🔥 CPD & Skills for Care Accredited – Learn with Confidence.

How to Attain the Complete Care Certificate?

The Care Certificate can be achieved seamlessly through our user-friendly online Learning Connect Learning Management System (LMS), which meticulously records and provides evidence for the fifteen standards. Additionally, we have developed workbooks that guide the specific aspects of each Care Certificate standard that should be observed within the working environment. This approach is the most efficient and cost-effective way to deliver the Care Certificate within your organisation.


Process for Companies:


Step 1: Enrolment

Enrol the learner into the online Care Certificate program via our LMS. The learner will receive an email containing assigned e-learning tasks and login credentials. Once logged in, the learner can initiate the learning process, which includes videos, presentations, resources, and assessments through Multiple Choice Questions.

Step 2: Work-Based Observations

Within each learning standard, a downloadable, editable work pack is available. This pack consists of a set of questions the learner needs to complete, along with guidance on the specific elements of each Care Certificate standard that should be demonstrated in the workplace. Assessing the acquired knowledge in the work setting and completing the workbooks are mandatory steps, after which the process concludes.

Step 3: Care Certificate Issuance

Upon successful assessment and completion of all fifteen learning standards and corresponding work packs, the manager can issue the learner the 'Care Certificate'. This comprehensive portfolio includes all fifteen learning certificates and completed work packs.



Process for Individuals:


Step 1: Self-Enrolment

Enrol yourself in the online Care Certificate program through our LMS. You will receive an email containing assigned e-learning tasks and login details. After logging in, you can begin working through the learning standards, utilising resources such as videos, presentations, and materials, and evaluate your understanding through Multiple Choice Questions.

Step 2: Practical Observations

Within each learning standard, a downloadable, editable work pack is available. This pack consists of a set of questions you will need to address, along with guidance on the specific elements of each Care Certificate standard that should be demonstrated in your work context. Conducting these practical assessments and completing the workbooks are mandatory steps to finalize the process.

Step 3: Care Certificate Issuance

Once you have successfully assessed and completed all fifteen learning standards and related work packs, your manager will issue you the 'Care Certificate'. This certificate signifies your achievement and is a testament to your comprehensive understanding of the Care Certificate standards.

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